15 Signs You're Not Drinking Enough Water

60% of the human body is comprised of water. Maintaining healthy body functioning and metabolic processes depends on this. You will, nevertheless, lose fluids through breathing, perspiration, and even sweating. As a result, in order to stay hydrated, you must consistently consume enough water.

In addition to a general sense of dehydration, excessive weariness, headaches, and digestive issues can result from inadequate water consumption. 

Your immune system may also be weakened by prolonged dehydration. In light of this, we have compiled a list of 21 indicators that suggest you might not be getting enough water.

The first thing you should do if you notice any of these symptoms is to increase the amount of water you drink each day.

Signs That You Aren't Getting Enough Water

Because water is so essential to our body's operations, its absence can lead to a variety of issues. These are a few of the most typical indicators that you need to drink extra water when you're dehydrated.

1. Always feeling thirsty

Let's start by discussing the telltale signs of thirst and dehydration. You may even experience excessive thirst that doesn't seem to go away when you take a quick sip or swallow of water. Your body is alerting you to the fact that it hasn't had enough water to sustain itself for a while, and you should take immediate action to quench its thirst.

2. Continuously Odd Breath

Maintaining adequate hydration stimulates the production of saliva by your salivary glands, which helps wash away bacteria from your mouth. Saliva production is reduced when you are dehydrated, which promotes the growth of bacteria in the spaces between your teeth and gums. Chronic foul breath may result from this.

3. Less Urine and/or Dark Urine

Water is necessary for your kidneys to work correctly and remove toxins from your body. Your kidneys will retain more water if you don't drink enough water, which will reduce how often you urinate. Furthermore, the next time you urinate, a concentrated number of toxins will be present, giving your urine a deeper color and a harsher smell.

4. Incessant Cravings for Sugar and Hunger Pangs

Your body will have difficulties using its glucose stores to produce energy if you don't drink enough water. You will consequently experience hunger pangs and develop a yearning for sweet foods such as chocolate, cookies, candy, and so on. It may indicate that you are dehydrated if you are experiencing this, i.e., feeling hungry even after eating.

5.Weight Gain

This is in line with the previous point. Reducing your water intake may also increase your appetite and cause you to gain weight. Dehydration also slows your metabolic rate, which contributes to weight gain.

6. Poor Skin Health

Your skin cells won't have enough water if you're dehydrated. This could result in wrinkles, fine lines, and mild skin sagging in addition to making your skin appear dry, flaky, and less elastic. Furthermore, as water aids in the elimination of toxins from your body, dehydration causes a build-up of toxins, which can result in pimples and acne.

7. Issues with Digestion and Constipation

Water facilitates the easy passage of food through your digestive tract and supports a healthy digestive system. It also maintains the softness of your stool, making it easier to pass. Dehydration will make your stool firmer and cause it to travel through your system more slowly. This will cause gas and bloating in addition to infrequent constipated stool motions.

8. Parched lips and a dry mouth

We are all familiar with the terrible feeling of having a dry, sticky mouth. Still, it doesn't take a genius to figure out that incorrect water intake or dehydration are the cause. The same holds true for easily cracked, dry, chapped lips. These are frequently the first indications of dehydration, which are treated by raising the daily water intake.

9. Eye Dryness

Your tear ducts will start to dry out without water, making it impossible for them to keep your eyes wet. Your eyes will get bloodshot red and inflamed as a result. It's not fun to have dry eyes, but if you regularly drink the necessary amount of water, you may simply prevent having them.

10. Spasms in the muscles

Dehydration can result from excessive perspiration. Muscle aches may also result from your body not having enough water to sweat anymore. As you can see, the body perspires to stay cool. Therefore, heat will impact your muscles if you are dehydrated and in a hot environment, which could result in severe cramping.

11. Sore joints and muscle pain

We have 80% water in our cartilage, did you know that? As a result, in the absence of water, the cartilages weaken and the bones grind against one another, causing sore muscles and joints.

12. Hypertension and Hypercholesterolemia

Your blood gets thicker as you become dehydrated because your blood's water content drops. This causes the heart to work harder to pump and circulate the thick blood around your body; as a result, the heart goes into overdrive and raises your blood pressure. Additionally, in order to maintain the moisture in the cell membranes, the body begins to produce more cholesterol, which raises your cholesterol levels.

13. Having nausea and vertigo

Generally speaking, even mild dehydration raises blood pressure. However, there are situations where extreme dehydration causes your blood volume to reduce, which can result in a sharp drop in blood pressure. Now, when your blood pressure falls, not enough oxygen will reach your organs, especially your brain, which can cause lightheadedness, vertigo, and occasionally even nausea.

14. Continuous Fatigue

Water is an essential element for the maintenance of daily body functioning. Without it, your body will make an effort to hold onto its energy, which will make you feel drowsy and less energetic. Hence, the next time you feel exhausted—even after getting a decent night's sleep—try hydrating yourself with a glass of water.

15. Headache

Headaches brought on by dehydration are more frequent in athletes. Excessive sweating brought on by intense exertion results in dehydration. This thickens your blood, as was previously said, making it harder for it to carry as much oxygen. This can result in a headache since your brain won't get enough oxygen.

In summary

Did you know that dehydration can cause a person to pass away in around three days? The importance of water to human health cannot be disputed. Furthermore, maintaining adequate hydration has several advantages and may even increase productivity.

Make sure the water you drink is pure, uncontaminated, and has undergone the necessary treatment. Investing in a home water purifier that eliminates all pollutants and pathogens from the water is the most economical and practical way to ensure that you and your family keep hydrated and healthy.
